This is They Keep Telling Me I Should Write My Memoir, me writing about all the stories I sometimes tell and some of the stories I never told..

I started writing on this platform in 2022 because memories of 1992 kept coming up and I realized a lot happened to me thirty years earlier. Like I could dine out on any one of those stories for years, and I had dozens. I began writing more or less chronologically, so if you have the time and inclination, start with my Thanksgiving 2022 post, then work forward and finally subscribe so you will get new installments by email as they are posted.

I began those years in New York City, working on Wall Street. In this memoir I travel and work in different places, primary among them Tibet, Brazil, Hawaiʻi. I end that chronological section in 1997.

I continue to write essays, mostly based on experiences with human and equine teachers. Maybe some day I will pick up the chronology but that day has not come yet.

As with all memoir, the memories others hold of the same events may differ from mine. In a few cases I collapse timelines for sake of narrative integrity. I have protected the identity of a few people. Those who have passed from their earthly bodies are pretty much fair game, and I figure those who have a Wikipedia entry are already in the public domain. If you see yourself in here and would like me to include your name…or delete your name…I can edit you in or out. I can also write more about our time together if you are up for it.

Feedback, even harsh, is most welcome. And most importantly of all, thank you for being here, for reading, for without a reader there is no point in writing.

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All the stories I sometimes tell and some of the stories I never told.


Beth Thoma Robinson R(B) - Hawaii Life Director of Conservation and Legacy Lands, forever a writer and natural horsemanship advocate